Chakra Tea Set

Soma Tea has created a beautiful hand crafted collection of Chakra Teas and Chakra Bath Tea Soaking Salts to enhance and find balance through your own personal Chakra energy system, by blending all organic teas, roots, herbs, oils and flowers to create balance and enhanced energy flow. These teas and bath salts can be taking in order from the Root to the Crown Chakra or enjoyed independently when you feel one or more Chakras may be blocked or not in balance.

This all organic beautiful set includes seven individual teas for each chakra, tea filter bags and bamboo spoon, all this is enclosed in this birch tube. Making it a wonderful gift or simply displayed in your home.

Chakra healing brings the energy body into balance for greater mental, emotional and physical health.

Everything in our universe is radiating energy, from the tallest mountain, to the smallest blade of grass, and to each individual cell in our body. All of our cells emit energy in different ways, and different cells will emit different kinds of energy depending on where they are located within the body. There are several different energy channels located on key points of the body through which energy can flow in and these are called the chakras.

The word chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit. Chakra energy spins in a clockwise direction as it moves the energy of our body out into the field around us, and it spins counterclockwise to pull energy from our external world into our body.

The chakras can be open or closed, overactive or under active, depending on how well the energy is able to flow through them. When one or more of the chakras is over or under-expressing its associated energy, it's thought to manifest as imbalance in the body, mind and spirit. As we open and heal our chakras, energy is able to flow freely once again and things return to balance .

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