My Story

I have always been a giver and healer. It is my inherent nature to help others in anyway that I can, whether it’s with teachings of yoga, wellness and nutrition, or giving my remarkable sister my left kidney. Gifting to others is my life and fills my heart with joyfulness.

A few years ago I was suffering from insomnia. I began my search for a natural remedy to help me find a holistic approach to sleep. Reflecting back to my ayurvedic studies, it occurred to me that many remedies initially were derived from plants, roots and spices. I took to my Svadhyaya – ‘self-study’ and started to examine how herbs can restore and nurture the body. From this Soma Tea was formed.

I personally create and hand blend each recipe in small batches to insure freshness.  My teas are not only amazing to drink, but beautiful in look and smell, insuring the best tea you will have ever experienced.

I found the most wonderful suppliers for my teas, herbs, botanical, flowers, roots, oils and spices. Organics remain the first and only choice regardless of price. Yes, there is the opportunity to acquire less expensive ingredients but like the air we breathe, I feel it is important to bring to ourselves the most pure, clean ingredients and those that are also grown from the heart and with the health of our world in mind. 

Soma Tea is unique blended teas and tisanes, which balance the body, mind and spirit. The word Soma in itself has a beautiful meaning; it is a term that denotes 'nectar', 'moon', and 'sky'. Soma, literally translates to 'the nectar of the moon'. In the Vedas, Soma refers to those qualities that provide us with peace, bliss and harmony.

I have had great success in the first half of my journey through life. My aspiration is to transition my time for the second journey of my life: making teas, life and nutrition coaching, teaching yoga & mindfulness and slowly one cup at a time, fostering peace and tranquility to the world.

I am a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, which focuses on a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. For over two decades I have been dedicated to teaching yoga, relaxation and restoratives to help people find peace and discovery within. My heart-felt teachings are supported by a rich inner wisdom and a keen observation of the physical and energetic body. I have been a nationally registered Yoga Alliance Teacher, since 1999 and has been affiliated with the International Alliance of Yoga Therapists (IAYT). I became a certified Reiki practitioner in 2021 and am the co-author of  Soul Purpose Workbook & Planner, A Self-Directed Guide To Help You Arrive At Your Why.

Please reach out to me personally if you have any questions, concerns or if your are interested in a custom blend. 

Thank you for allowing me to share my story, my passion and my teas.
